Friday, November 13, 2009

All in one week

SO on Tuesday night we had our friends York and Lidia over and she cooked us a real german dinner, and it was soo yummy, but of course nothing can ever go right. I was getting drinks out of the fridge for everyone and i drop a can of Dr. Pepper and it explodes, all over me, the wall, floor and the fridge. I can never do anything without making a mess, even when i am cleaning i make a mess, don't ask but it is possible. So I go change my shirt and get the D.P. out of my eyes and off my face and poor Kirk and Lidia got stuck cleaning up my mess. I couldn't stop laughing, well nobody really could it was so funny I had to tell everyone. So I baked a cake for the dinner, it was delicious, but it feel apart picking it up, i must of done something wrong when putting the ingredients in. So we only ended up eating a little bit of it. So kirk decides it would be funny to get the frosting from the cake and ut it on my face, so I did the same to him but he wasn't expecting it. He didn't think I had the guts to get him back. Well after we all played around, we went into the front room to watch a movie. But little did we know Buster had some trick up his paw. I left the cake I baked on the table and someone forgot to push in one of the chairs. So Buster jumps on the chair, onto the table and decides to have himself some cake. Might of been funny then, but my back seat probably doesn't think so. We took Kirk's friend Chap some of the food that was left over because he was supposed to be at the dinner since it was for him, because he deployes to Iraq sometime this next week. But we took Buster with us and he got sick all over my back seat, luckly it all came out. Ya ya poor Buster, it's his fault he ate it the cake. But i still love that dog.
Kirk has been gone since Wednesday and he won't be back until Sunday night, cuz he had to go gaurd some weapons or something like that. So you think little Buster would be a good dog, NOPE, wrong. I let him outside to go the bathroom before we go to bed and a couple of times in the middle of the night, and he runs off to where i can't see him, then he won't come when i call him and he thinks he needs to be outside all time. I think he is rebeling since Kirk is gone so Buster thinks he can do what he wants when he wants. He is like a little kid, he cries when he doesn't get his way. it's so hard to stay mad at him for long because he looks so sweet and innocent when he is sleeping or in the mood when he wants to cuddle. Oh and he got sick again. He likes to go in the neighbors green house, I don't know what's in there that he likes so much, so I think I might go and explore and see what it is. At 4 O'clock this morning he came back inside with dirt all over his nose, so im pretty curious as to what it is. I pretty much can't wait for Kirk to come home I hate being here by myself and I miss him alot.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Buster: what will he do next?

So about two months ago we got this dog, his name is Buster and he is a little yorkie. So he is a small dog, he loves to get attention and if we are busy doing something else, like playing video games, that would be my husband, or on the computer he starts this little whining thing like he is talking to us. It's so cute that it's hard to resist, so we stop what we are doing and we play with him, well kirk does for the most part i just just cuddle Buster. Buster is pretty much spoiled, he has three beds in the house, but where does he choose to sleep, with us on our bed or he sneaks to the front room and sleeps on the pillows where he blends in at.But when he does sleep with us he likes to get up next to us and cuddle, usually with kirk,but when kirk goes to work he is next to me. There are those nights where he likes to sleep at our feet. At night or even during the day if he hears a noise he gets the big dog syndrome and starts barking and growling as if he were a gard dog. Which I love him for that, in a weird way he makes me feel safe when we are at home by ourselves. But we are trying to break him of it, because when the baby comes we don't need him waking Aiden up barking at a dumb noise that he hears.
When we first got Buster he was getting into trouble, he would run off down the street and wouldn't come back so Kirk would have to go chase after him, cuz lets face it if i tried to run right now i would most likely be eating dirt, due to be clumsy, you know the belly getting bigger, not use to it. Oh but wait Buster still does those things what am I talking about. One day Kirk was home for lunch and we let Buster out to run around in the back yard and some how he gets through the fence into the neighbors back yard and they have a pretty big fence, just so he could go and explore. Oh and this other time the gate was left open and Buster again went into our other neighbors yard, while they were having a BBQ and jumped on the table while they were eating. That was embaracing. Then this other time he got out the front door, ran down the road again and ran through some peoples house through their yard and back in the house and then to the garden. Then this last time the gate was left open again and Buster spotted a cat and he was off, we was so excited he got to chase that cat, he had this dumb founded look on his face, like why am I introuble I was chasing a cat, he didn't think he did a thing wrong. It's as if he plots how to get out of the yard or the house. But we love him so much.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Count down!!!

So every week, every day, every hour is just that much closer till i am going to be a daddy! I want to start a count down till Aiden is here, but i can't due to the fact he can just make a suprise appearance before or after the due date! So instead I am counting down till December 1st so we can go pick and cut our own christmas tree, and mostly to decorate our house for our first Christmas! This past weekend we bought stockings for us, aiden, and the little rat dog buster!!! We have been buying stuff left and right for Christmas and my mom has is sending us boxes with Christmas decorations since i would not quit bugging her for them! Aidens room is deffinitly coming along, we have got a dresser finally to match his crib, and the bedding set, we have all the major things we need now with the exception of the stroller and car seat i think. As of last Saturday my beautiful wife told me she was officialy done being prego due to the fact her hips were killing her!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

So last night we night went to Nurmburg for a freestyle motorcross event "Ramp2Ramp" there was riders from all over the world 3 Americans, 1 Austrailian, 2 Italians, 2 French people, and one German!
This motorcross event was like one i would never see in the states, i think this puts all of ours to shame! It started off with six girls wearing skimpy little skirts and two muscular guys wearing gay leather jackets. They were all playing with fire and drinking some liquid that was allowing them to blow flames like 20 feet high! Then the introductions of every rider and where they came from. They had every type of contest you can imagine and the American Greg Hartman won them all! At the intermission they brought in 3 Cat tractors for a tractor free style event which i thought was very unique but interesting.
To start off the second 1/2 the show they had a guy on a snowmobile doing supermans, heel clickers, indian airs, and a backflips which was pretty cool as well, beings there was no snow! At the end of the show they had a really cool closing ceremonies with all the riders, from the big bikes, mini bikes, and snowmobile all going around and doing stunts at the same time! While i was at that show i relized it was pretty cool to be an American in a forign country hootin and halerin as hard as i could for the riders representing for America, and having them win it all!!!