Thursday, February 25, 2010


Last week it was our friend jork's birthday, it was the 17th. We went to an indoor water park called Galaxy and it's in Erding, which is up by Munchen. Well the last time we went I was still pregnant, so i couldn't go on any slides, drink or go in the sauna, but I still had fun. Well this time around i was able to go on the slides and drink. My favorite slide i think was a tie between the tube slide that pushed you up or the white river one, we also went on the black mamba, which was pretty fun because it had flashing lights and played music. This slide also had a drop off, which you don;t expect, well at least i didn't. Lidia and I went into the sauna and sat in it for five mins. then a lady came around and handed out aloe vera salt and you rub it on your skin and sit in the sauna for another five mins. My skin felt sooo soft and fresh, then we went back into the pool and had a pina colada. After that Kirk and I went on some more slides, the last slide i went down was the white river one. It was a blast we went down on our belly's and face down, we were slamming eachother into the walls of the slide. But here is the kicker, my boobs haven't gone back to their original form, you who have breast fred will know what i am talking about. At the bottom of the slide i stood up waiting for kirk i was laughing and having a good time. Kirk looked at me and started laughing because there was my boob exposed for all the little kids to see, i was so embarassed i just wanted to go and have another drink and hide, which i did. All in all it was a pretty fun day, one of the last fun days before Kirk deployed.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Saying Goodbye!!!

Monday Feb. 22nd I said goodbye to the love of my life. I think that had to be one of the hardest days of my life. SO there are two days back to back that I will never forget, yesterday Feb. 23rd is my sister's birthday, it has always been her special day. But three years ago she had to begin to share that day, it is now the anniversy of my grandma's death that is always going to be a day i remember for the rest of my life, because I was extremely close with my grandma,when I was little I would go to her house every day while my mom was at work, and my cousin Kyle and I would sit on the couch and watch movies and cartoons all day, or we would throw rocks at the kids walking home from school. But anyways to get back on subject. There will always be a new deployment day, and I don't think it will ever get any easier, because at the end of the day, i'm alone with Aiden, at least we have eachother and Buster when daddy is away. Aiden will almost be a year when Kirk get's home, how do you ever eplain to your child, who that strange man is that they haven't seen in almost a year. I know it will get easier when Aiden get's older because he will have time before daddy leaves again to bond, he was only almost three months this time, the only thing i can do, is show him pictures and have Kirk talk to him so Aiden knows his voice and won't be to shocked the next time he sees his daddy. Now with Buster, he will always know who kirk is, those two have a very special bond. Buster knows that he is gone, i don't think i have ever seen that dog so sad, but alls i can do is love him and cuddle that dog. For me it's hard. I'm just trying to stay busy, we haven't even been married a year yet, and we will spend it with me in germany and him in Iraq. But at least one thing is true, we love eachother more than ever. Ya I have cried and i know i will for a while. The love of my life is in another country and i don't know when i will see him again, but it helps to hear his voice.