Sunday, October 31, 2010

Aiden's 1st halloween!!!

This was Aiden's first Halloween, it was a little sad since daddy is only missing it by a few days, but he gets to pig out on candy with Aiden when he gets home=). Aiden was a monkey, shocking huh...he made the cuttest monkey I have ever seen, when we went to the fall fest the lady who was doing face paintin put whiskers on him. We ended up running into a couple of our friends Shawn and Carolina, which it was fun to have someone else to talk to while trick or treating. Aiden got a pretty decent amount of candy for a 11 month old. But it was a good night and Aiden was so tired by the end of the night that he had fallen asleep, but people still gave him candy.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

It's a string thing!!

Ever since Aiden had started teething back in the summer I have noticed that this little man loves to chew on strings...well it is now October and veryclose for daddy being home and Aiden still loves to chew on those strings. This morning he was chewing on the string of my sweats so I grab the camera to take a picture and what do you know he wants the wrist strap to my camera and he tries chewing on both, but then he ended up being more fasinated with the wrist strap..

Friday, October 22, 2010

Pumpkin Carving!!

Today I finally decided it was time to start carving pumpkins and since it was Aiden's first pumpkin carving I envited my friend tiffany to come over and carve too. She brought her dog gizmo so him and Buster could play. Well it turns out Aiden doesn't like the pumpkins after you start carving them. He liked them when we were at the store buying them and when I brought them inside, but i think maybe he thought they looked like heads and we were cutting them open and taking the brains knows what he is thinking..poor baby..

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Picture Time!!

I was wanting to get at least one good picture of Aiden and Buster today, but that didn't really happen. If I had Aiden sitting still and looking at the camera then Buster wasn't paying attention. Well I got them both where I wanted them and then Buster took off. But it was cute because I was trying to call Buster back and Aiden acted like he was calling for Buster as well. here are a couple of the attemps, but then my camera died so I will get more next time..

Friday, October 15, 2010

Double the Trouble!!

Today I nopt only had Aiden but I aslo had Brayden. I kept Brayden while Jeanette went and got her hair permed. Well I kinda got to have a feel for having twins, and boy do I feel lucky I don't have two babies of the same age. After Jeanette left I let Buster out of the kitchen, just to let you all know why he was in there Jeanette is afraid of dogs and I didn't want Buster jumping on her. So I let him out and he goes straight for the new baby to lick his face and what did Brayden do...he started screaming and then Aiden joined in.I thought I was gonna need a drink, but about 15-20 mins later Brayden got use to Buster and the crying stopped and the two boys became te best of friends, The were even playing hide and seek behind my see thru curtains..LOL...they were laughing at eachother...well I captured a couple of cute pictures of the boys!!

Aiden's new toy!!

The other day I got Aiden a walker so he can start trying to learn how to walk. We were in the thrift store looking for one and i ended up finding 3. One was 20 dollars andit played music and had a phone and lots of buttons. Then the one I bought is simple, it has a few toys on it that makes noise and Aiden loves it, so I wanted to look at the third one,which was the cheapest but didn't work and it looked like it also played music, so I put the one I ended up buying down for a second and Aiden started crying because thats the one he wanted..He puts his monkey in the bottom of the walker and his little rat thing that Hidie made for him, which he loves to chew on...but here are some pics of Aiden moving about.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Aiden's adventure outside!!

Tiffany came over last night with her dog gizmo. Buster and Gizmo have been around eachother one other time and they became the best of gay friends. I say gay because they like to hump eachother and they are both boys. But we had the living room door open so Buster and Gizmo can come in an out as they please. So Aiden decided he was going to try and climb out the door on his own. So he put his hands out first then continued out but he had to put his butt up in the air and the procede with putting one leg out ata time and finally made it outside. Then he decided to try adn eat a leaf!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Getting close!!

Last night I was trying to get Aiden to take his first steps, since he is walking very well holding on to things. Well this is how it went. His back was up against the couch and I was sitting infront of him, trying to get him to come to me. He would try and take a step , then he would stop think about it then try again, he eventually gave up and turned his back to me, he was like forget this mommy I rather you carry me. But I want him to beable to walk to his daddy when he gets home. So we are gonna keep trying, we aren't giving up just yet.

Job hunting!!

At first I was a little worried about leaving adien and going back to work. But the more I thought about it the more I figured I was ready to go back to work. It's been over a year of not working. My last job was at Victoria's Secret, oh how I miss that place. I quite there right before I came to germany and by then I was 5 months pregnant and it was getting harder and harder to move around and I found myself extremely tired all the time. I am looking into a job at the CDC, for those of you who don't know what thta is, it's basically a daycare, but it's called the Child developement center, and that way if I decide to take Aiden there instead of a baby sitter, he won't be that far away from me. I'm sure Aiden will do fine, I think I will be the one to have the problem. But I hope I get this job, I am very excited about going back to work!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Dog Food!!

A couple days ago is when it first happened I don't know if Aiden finds it tasty or if he likes the texture. But numerous times I have walked in the kitchen to find little Aiden eating Buster's dog food. Ya I know funny, but nasty. I take it away and tell him no but he keeps at it. Tonight I decided to give Buster the left over pasta from dinner and what does Aiden do, he crawls over and he starts pulling at the pan trying so hard to get it away from Buster. I think Aiden's way of thiking is if Buster has it, it's mine too. But if Buster takes something of Aiden's, Aiden starts crying!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010


I decided to get myself motivated this morning about heading to the vehicle registration and thinking about my morning workout and how I want to lose 5 more pounds by the time kirk gets home from deployment, so i decided to have a nice cup of coffee. Well when I finally finished my cup of coffee Aiden wanted to be picked up, so I helped him up to my lap, by this time he was already standing, well he took my empty cup and started drinking from it, he thought he was getting something. so don't freak out any body, the cup was completley empty. But here are a couple pics.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

10 months old

As you all know Aiden will be 10 months old on monday. He is getting so big and very active. He is pulling himself up and actually crawling, he still loves to do the "army low crawl" as people call it. He chases Buster around, just hopefully one day the can learn how to share. Buster knocked Aiden down trying to get his sock monkey from Aiden because he thought he wanted to play with him. They are so cute together, it's like Buster is the big brother and Aiden is the little brother. Well just recentley, like this morning Aiden has this toy that stands pretty tall and has three little things that hang down, and if yo pull them they play music, well he pushes that around and walks with it...It's so funny to watch because it isn't ment for that. Oh andhe loves to get the movies out and he tried to get daddy's video games as well.. Sorry daddy...