Sunday, July 10, 2011

25 weeks =)

Today I am 25 weeks, that means only 15 weeks until the baby comes and my worring is over. Since I had a bit of a tuff time at the end of y pregnancy with Aiden, the farther I get along the more I tend to worry that soemthing bad will happen. But I try not to worry so much, and I am trying to enjoy the pregnancy since this is our last baby. I wouldn't mind one more because I love kids and I love being a mom, but we decided on two so this is our last. which can be a good thing, we only have to go thru potty training twice...But hopefully wednsday we will find out the sex of the baby and start buying the things that we need. So after wed. expect a blog about the sex of the baby =)

Aiden's new room!!!

Last weekend we decided to move Aiden's room to the guest bedroom and the guest bedroom to Aiden's old room, since we decided that Aiden and the new baby are going to share a room, we needed to put them in the bigger of the two rooms... So instead of panting another room, Kirk went and got some stickers for Aiden's side of the room and when we figure out what we are having for sure we will start decorating the other side of the room, either girly or something boyish, so hopefully we can start doing that next weekend, if baby coperates on wednesday =)