Friday, May 25, 2012

Thursday, May 24, 2012

He never stops =)

This deployment has been hard on us all, but I think the person who is having the hardest time is Aiden. He misses his daddy very much. The other day in order for Aiden to even get on the phone with Kirk we had to tell him it was Heidi. So he got on the phone thinking it was Heidi and to his suprise it was Kirk, Aiden only talked for a few minutes. But having daddy gone has not slowed him down one bit. He loves his Heidi very much, today she came over so I could take her to do a few things and Aiden was in her arms right away. Aiden is pretty much potty trained =)) still working on a few little things, but we are getting there. he doesn't take a nap very often, and that usually ends up with a crying match at the end of the day. But when he does take a nap he fights me on going to bed at a decent time, so it's never a win win situtation.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Fat Girl Status =)

Aiden wasn't the best eater as a baby, he only liked the fruit and didn't like meat. Well lets just say Averie is different. She loves peas, carrots, chicken and even sweet potatoes. She doesn't really like fruit but she will eat it, which is completely opposite of Aiden. She will be 8 months in a couple weeks and she is getting so big, but she is the happiest baby ever. She loves her big brother no matter how mean he can be to her. She still smiles at him. She is 100% a momma's girl which makes me happy and she knows how to melt my heart and so does Aiden, he woke me up by kissing me the other day and that just made my day start of great. I love my babies and I love being there mommy. It definitley isn't easy with Kirk gone, but we are managing.