Saturday, June 30, 2012

Caught at the scene of the crime =)

Since Averie has been crawling around and pulling herself up, she finally decided she can get into the dvds, mommy caught her red handed =)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The lake

Yesterday we went to the lake with a few ladies and a couple of kids. Aiden was loving the water and Averie wanted to eat the rocks and sand, but she loved it too. Aiden is getting dark from being in the sun, he reminds me of me when I was little, I tanned very easy when I was little, at least he got something from me. Aiden is also getting very brave everytime I turned around he was in the water up to his chest.

Aiden pumping

Right now I am trying to get Averie to take a bottle so I pump so much a day. Well Aiden got a hold of my pump and tried pumping from his tummy.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Story time w/ Averie =)

Last weekend I sat Averie down with he daddy doll, her bunny, and a couple other dolls. She looked so cute with her book and babies. She acted like she was ready.She is growing up way to fast, I can't believe my baby girl is already 8 months old. She is crawling and trying to pull herself up and she is definitley a better eater then Aiden.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Silly Aiden

Tonight Aiden wanted some of my cherry limade, so I gave him a little in a glass. Well he had a little accident and spilt it on Averie and the tray. So I got Averie out of the chair and I look over and Aiden is slurping it off the chair. At that point, I had to go get the camera so I could show off how silly Aiden can be at times.