Sunday, October 25, 2009

31 weeks pregnant...The countdown is on!

So here it is, i am now 31 weeks pregnant, so im almost there. I like being pregnant for the most part. I enjoy every little hiccup, jab and kick. But what i don't like is when im trying to get a descent nights sleep and my legs cramp up and to go along with it my husband kirk and our dog buster are two of the worlds biggest bed hogs, every night they seem to get me pushed up against the wall and believe me that is not comfortable at all. As each week goes by and I get closer to my due date I seem to get more nervous and anxious. I think im more nervous of the whole labor and delivery part, if you get my drift. I kinda know what to expect, thanks to my sister, always having me in the delivery room with her when she had her children, but i know that doesn't prepare someone a hundred percent. Hopefully kirk won't pass out or any thing like that. But I can't wait to meet my little Aiden, I already love my little boy so much. I honestly think that between Kirk and I we should be some of the best parents!!! Also we have been working on Aidens room! Its bright green, it will be a jungle theme, we have been doing it surely but slowly, this past week we got the crib put together, also have a bunch of little accesories from Michelle and Dustin, my brother-in-law and sister-in-law.

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