Monday, January 18, 2010


I have been breast feeding for almost 7 weeks, Aiden and I were getting along just fine until last weekend. He started eating only for maybe 5-10 mins at a time, so lucky me he was waking up every hour. So i started thinking about the pros and cons of breast feeding. I know Aiden loves the boob, no question about that one, it's better for him to breast feed, it's cheap and you don't have to find a place to heat up water when you travel. So breast feeding is convenit. But like i said waking up every hour, with me getting no sleep, i started thinking. My boobs got really BIG when i got pregnant, but after i had Aiden they just blew up, i'm talking bigger than his head. So I have had the worst time finding a nursing bra, the one i ordered is too small and it doesn't fit right. I thought well if i quit breast feeding I could get a regular bra. Kirk and I finally talked about what I should do, we decided that i should go to bottle feeding him, that's when leaking took on a whole new meaning. I started giving Aiden Formula mixed with a little of my breast milk because at first he did not like the formula he would drink an ounce and after I would burp him he started making faces then it lead to screaming. I think this decsion we came to as parents is the best not only for me but Aiden because we know that he is getting enough to eat and stayes asleep for 2-4 hours sometimes and plus now his daddy will be able to wake up with him and feed him, now that i'm not going to breast feed after this week.

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