Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Buster's Bath

Today I decided it was time for Buster to get a bath. He was very dirty and smelled well like a dog! So I ran his bath water and put him in the bath. Well I had a little helper, who didn't really help, but just cried, I guess Aiden didn't want to share HIS BATHTUB with Buster. Lately these two boys of mine haven't been playing nice. Aiden will be playing with one of Buster's toys and Buster will come up and take the toy right out of Aiden's hands, then like today Aiden thinks that the bathtub his his and he shouldn't have to share with Buster. It is super cute and funny at the same time how they are acting towards one another. Just so happens as I have been writing Buster has taken his toy away from Aiden twice..LOL!!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Night Time Bath!!

Aiden looks forward to his baths every day and every night. Well tonight he did the cuttest thing. He was so excited he held onto the edge of the bathtub and walked over to his bath soap and grabbed it and tried putting it into the bath water. Since we have been home I have got him on a pretty decent schedule. He eats his dinner any time between 5-6:30 then around 7:30 he gets his night time bath, then I read his book Guess How much I love you! then he gets a bottle and then he is in bed. It might take him awhile to fall asleep but he does. We have been on this schedule for almost a week now and it is amazing hopefully it continues to stay this way or maybe it will get easier once he is over his ear infection.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Pasta Delight!!!

I finally got around to cooking me some dinner around 8, ya ya I know it was a late dinner. I had Chicken and penne pasta with meat sauce and green beans. well Aiden decided to wake up and he wanted what was left of my pasta. So I put my plate on the floor and well Buster decided he wanted some too, but he was staying back. I guess you can say Aiden needed to be hosed off!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Finally Home!!!

Aiden and I finally made it home Thursday, after waiting for over an hour for our ride and then getting stuck in a 5 hour stau( traffic jam) and having to pee in the bushes. It was so nice sleeping in our own beds and having my little bed hog in his crib. Saturday I went over to my friend Julia's for dinner because she cooked a real German meal and it sounded so yummy and I wanted to see all my other friends as well. Sunday it was one of three sundays tha down town was open, so Aiden and I met up with our friends Jeanette and Brayden who is the same age as Aiden and had coffee and did a little shopping. I got Aiden a couple shirts and some sweats and his german baby food. I'm still having a hard time getting him to eat solid food, but I have to keep tring. Buster was very excited to see us, he was giving us both lots of kisses and the past couple nights he has slept right next to me. Yesterday I started going to the gym again and boy did I miss it and glad to find out I didn't gain as much as I thought I did, only a couple pounds.

Monday, September 6, 2010


Yesterday Particia took me by the Dam. It is located in a very green place with lots of trees and it is so beautiful. I think Tennesse has to be one of the greenest places I have been besides Boston and Germany. We also went to work with Patricia, I was tring to entertain Aiden so he were walking around and he seen his reflection in the door. He stood there by himself, adoring his own reflection and how adorable he is...sounds familiar, just like daddy...but his own reflection is his best friend.

Changing Aiden!!!

Last night Patricia and I went and seen Eat Pray Love...it was a good movie. Aiden feel asleep during the movie and stayed asleep until I put him to bed. But this is what he went thru and slept thru. We got back and I decided to get myself ready for bed before I attempted getting him changed. Just so every one knows it was probably around 1 am by then. Changing and sleeping baby is a task, Aiden was out for the count though, but he certainly did not make it easy. He was rolling over in his sleep and moving. Then he tried to have a conversaton with me while he was still sleeping, and to top it all off it was hard getting his shirt on since his head is kind of big. It was hard not to laugh. Next time I will definitley put him in pj's before we go to a night time movie again, like the night before, so much easier just to take him out of his carseat and put him to bed.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

9 months old!!

Today Aiden is 9 months old... He is now sitting up really good on his own, he says momma and dadda and bottle. He also has one tooth completely thru and two more coming thru He started crawling in Boston during Kirk's R & R. Something special for Kirk to witness. I think he was just waiting for daddy to be there for his first time crawling, but Kirk thinks he is being a lazy bones. When Aiden wants something he will go get it, like for example, I was making his bottle today and he was sitting in the living room and he started crawling towards the kitchen to get to me and his bottle. He is very active and on the go. He has been a good traveling baby. He does really good on air planes and for the most part in the car. I think he is ready for a bigger carseat, because he is too big for his infant one.