Saturday, September 4, 2010

9 months old!!

Today Aiden is 9 months old... He is now sitting up really good on his own, he says momma and dadda and bottle. He also has one tooth completely thru and two more coming thru He started crawling in Boston during Kirk's R & R. Something special for Kirk to witness. I think he was just waiting for daddy to be there for his first time crawling, but Kirk thinks he is being a lazy bones. When Aiden wants something he will go get it, like for example, I was making his bottle today and he was sitting in the living room and he started crawling towards the kitchen to get to me and his bottle. He is very active and on the go. He has been a good traveling baby. He does really good on air planes and for the most part in the car. I think he is ready for a bigger carseat, because he is too big for his infant one.

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