Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Finally got AFN!!

Finally after a year and a half we got AFN. Saturday we made the 5 hour round trip to wiesbaden to get an AFN dercoder. Aiden did good for the trip there and most of the trip back. Well Sunday, Kirk wanted to be able to watch the game at home, but the guy who sets the satelite up wouldn't be able to come out until Monday. So kirk decided he was going to try it himself, so he calls charles and asks him if he had a compass, and kirk no thinking told him he was going to tr putting up the satelite by himself.Well charles told him he would be down here in a couple mins to help. We love charles very much, but he reminds me of one of the grumpy men off the movie grumpy old men, or what ever the movie is called. It is so funny, he always is right never wrong, and it is funny. he spent from like 3 ish until like 6:30 ish trying to set up the satelite, so he finally came to the conclusion that the satelite was bad...LOL. So he came back Monday and little did we know that he had already been up and went and got a new satelite for us. It was very nice of him. Well Hidie called and asked if kirk could come up and help charles carry some stuff down. And I said he was putting some screws in the LNB to keep it in place. Well I hear charles in the background tell him to stay away from that dam satelite..LOL. So I tell kirk and so from 10 am until 4ish they were working on trying to get the AFN set up. Well Charles finally gave up because kirk said that his friend who had a compass was gonna come and set it up, but Kirk called the guy who actually sets them up, and they guy had a clear picture within at least 15- 20 mins. I thought it was funny, that Kirk and charles spent 2 days trying to get the satelite and Afn to work and it only took Mr. Rouse 15-20 mins to get it. But that's what our four day weekend consisted of, getting our AFN to work.

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