Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Aiden's big boy bed!!

We finally decided that it was time to start putting Aiden in a big boy bed. He is getting way to tall for his crib, he is to the point where he can climb on to his changing table and he can put his leg on the top, so sunday we went and got him his bed and he has been sleeping good in it ever since. It is a cars themed bed and a toddler bed so it is low to the ground , so he can climb in and out all by himself. He was so excited the first day we had it, we would tell him to go to bed and he would run and climb in bed for a few mins and then get up. Monday morning after kirk got home from P.T. Aiden had woken up all by himself and he was opening his door to come out and Kirk's phone started ringing and he wanted to get to it before it woke me up and he ended up scaring the living day lights out of Aiden.

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