Monday, June 7, 2010


Well yesterday was my 22nd birthday, usually I am excited for it, but yesterday I was dreading it a little bit. For one, my hubby is deployed so it was the second birthday of mine that we were apart, so that made me feel a little depressed. Second, all of the wifeys that I have been hanging out with weren't able to make it, which I understand things come up. Finale reason, I wasn't with my family and friends back home, but the good thing is that I was with my adoptive family. First I went over to Hidie and Charles's and spent 30 mins there, then York and Lidia came over for about an hour. Then I topped the night off with dinner with Scott and Tiffany, Shawn, Carolina and Haley, there 3 year old daughter and Jeanette,Dale and baby Brayden. Those are the people I am closest too so I consider them all family. We went to a little restaurant called Enzo's Pizzeria, it was very good, and Tiffany baked me a very delicous cake, which when Aiden woke up and 2:30 in the morning I decided to eat a piece...yummy, but know I think I just might have to spend a whole day at the gym...But all in all it turned out to be a really good birthday. Oh and my daddy called me, he remembered my birthday, it brought a tear to my eye!

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