Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Yesterday was Aiden's 6 month well baby apt. He now weighs 16.9 lbs and his nearley 26 in long. So he is growing at a pretty good pase. We did find out that he has thrush again, suprise suprise, that's honestly nothing new. When it came time to get his shots, Aiden decided it was nap time, I did try to keep him awake, but when it is an hour and a half past his nap time, there is never any point in trying. He had to get three this time, two in one leg and one in the other. When it came time to lay him down so he could poked at, he started to slightly wake up, then he feel back to sleep, but not for long, with the first little poke he was awake and screaming, it was SO horrible, I wanted to cry with my poor baby. I picked him up, but that did not seem to calm him down right away, it took a good 5 min. and a bottle later to calm this little man down, but so far no fever this time, and he is as happy as can be!

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